Kelly Holland invites you to join her in supporting Loraine Lundquist for LA City Council!

I'd love for you to meet Loraine Lundquist and see why she's the perfect person to be our City Councilwoman for the 12th District. I'm having a garden party on Sunday, March 10th from 2:00 to 4:00. No belly dancers or stilt walkers, no celebrity poker tournament but it’s a party with a purpose.


Politics starts at the local level, the place where you can actually feel the change and if you haven’t met Loraine already, you’ll find that her authenticity organically draws people into what has become an unstoppable grassroots coalition working hard to help her compete with the power brokers entrenched in Los Angeles politics. So come join me for drinks, a bit of food, a great time and meet a brilliant woman who can make a positive change in our Valley.


March 10, 2019 2pm-4pm


10945 Old Santa Susana Pass Road Chatsworth, CA 91311


You can support Loraine’s exciting movement by donating here: